History of botanical exploration and vegetation studies in Central Brazil

Botanical collecting of the cerrado started a little under 200 years ago with the visit of the European naturalists Karl Friedrich Philip von Martius, Johann Emanuel Pohl and Johann Baptist von Spix in 1817. Click on their and the other historical collectors’ names below to find out more about their contributions to Central Brazilian botany:

Karl Friedrich Philip von Martius (1794 – 1868), Johann Emanuel Pohl (1782 – 1834) and Johann Baptist von Spix (1781 – 1826)

Augustin Françoise Cesar Provençal de Saint-Hilaire (1799 – 1853)

Friedrich Wilhem Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt (1769 – 1859), Aimé Jacques Alexandre Bonpland (1773 – 1858) and Charles Sigismund Kunth (1788 – 1850)

George Gardner (1812 – 1849)

Johannes Eugenius Bülow Warming (1841 – 1924)

Cerrado Carolina
Botanical survey team of the Conservation and Management of the Biodiversity of the Cerrado Biome (CMBBC) project in Carolina, Maranhão. Copyright Sam Bridgewater. Courtesy of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh