
This dataset was compiled by the project Conservation and Management of the Biodiversity of the Cerrado Biome (CMBBC), an initiative coordinated by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) and funded in part by the UK Overseas Development Administration (now the Department for International Development) and EMBRAPA-CERRADOS.

It is advised that the accompanying research paper, a partial revision of one first published in 2003 in the Edinburgh Journal of Botany, is read before the database is consulted or downloaded. It describes patterns of alpha and beta diversity within the cerrado and provides information on the project producing the floristic dataset, its analysis to date, and the methods of its construction.

Before downloading data, it is requested that an access form is completed to assist the CMBBC project in monitoring the use of the data on-line. Researchers wishing to make use of the data in publications are requested to acknowledge the dataset in the following manner:

Ratter, J. A., Bridgewater, S., Ribeiro, J. F., FonsĂȘca-Filho, J., Rodrigues da Silva, M., Milliken, W., Pullan, M., Pott, A., Oliveira-Filho, A., Durigan, G. & R.T. Pennington. Analysis of the floristic composition of the Brazilian cerrado vegetation IV: Presentation of a Revised Data-Base of 367 Areas.

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Thumbnail of cerrado paper
Front page of the paper: ANALYSIS OF THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF THE BRAZILIAN CERRADO VEGETATION IV: Presentation of a Revised Data-Base of 367 Areas. J.A. Ratter, S. Bridgewater, J.F. Ribeiro and other authors